Barbie wants to crank the VW bus and rev it! It’s a very humid day and it makes starting the bus very difficult. It sputters and catches periodically but ends up stalling out. She finally gets it to stay running and revs it up a bit. During the whole ordeal, you get a great view of Barbie’s legs and feet in some sexy wedge heels!
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Barbie Cranking & Revving The VW Bus / Brown Wedge Sandals
Its a hot and humid on the day this video was shot Barbie wants to start the VW bus to rev it that is if she can get it started its humid outside so the bus is going to be difficult too start. Barbie is wearing a pink & white striped blouse, blue denim skirt, brown wedge sandals. Shish is using three camera ones on the dashboard that one might be a mini cam the other is under the passenger seat getting footwell shots as Barbie is pumping the gas pedal the other camera Shish is getting exhaust shots from time to time as Barbie is cranking.
Barbie is cranking and pumping the gas pedal trying really hard to get the bus to come to life she gets a little frustrated she lets out an arrh as shes cranking and pumping the engine sputters a few times trying to start it doesn’t. Shish also gets video of the engine the hood is up you even see at least three bumper stickers one bumper sticker says what would Jesus bomb there’s another sticker to the right can’t make out what that one is saying.
Barbie has the bus running her feet in those brown wedge sandals they sure look sexy in them shes revving the engine for the rest of the clip when Barbie revs the engine its sputtering some as she presses down on the gas pedal probably from it being so humid outside might take a wile to warm the engine dry out the points out some.
As the PTP logo pops up on the screen Shish is filming the rear of the bus with the hood up wile Barbie is revving the engine the end.
Barbie you did a great cranking and revving clip your feet in those brown wedge sandals they look really sexy. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!!!

This clip is very very good ! Great work !
nylons please lol rayxx